Discover your

Full Potential

What kind of life do you want after the final whistle blows?

Design your Playbook

I work with athletes who are still in play, looking to transition into the next chapter of life or have already retired from their sport.

We focus on personal development around passions, strengths, areas of opportunity, evolving your identity, and articulating the skills you learned as a player to set you up for success in whatever’s next.

Individual Coaching sessions focus on where you are now, where you want to be and the path to get you there. Most importantly, you set the agenda for where we focus, and we go at your pace as everyone’s journey is different.
Let’s Chat
Here's the Playbook for our coaching engagement

Set Goals

Get clear on where you are as an athlete and where you want to go.
Here's the Playbook for our coaching engagement

Understand Your Style

Comprehensive assessments to identify your preferences, communication style and strengths.
Here's the Playbook for our coaching engagement

Dive Deep in 1:1 Sessions

Go deep on the incremental steps to get you closer to your end goal.
Here's the Playbook for our coaching engagement

Get Tactical

Cover practical steps like resume writing, interviewing and job search that are needed to maximize your potential long after the last whistle blows.
Here's the Playbook for our coaching engagement

BE Vulnerable

Enable the ability to be real in talking through how you're feeling.
Derika photo
I grew up playing sports and played competitive rugby for 15 years as an adult. My rugby career ended due to injury, so I know firsthand what the transition out of sport feels like and the challenges with redefining your identity and translating the skills learned as an athlete into other professional pursuits.

Send me a note to discuss what you’re looking for, and we can structure time that works for you.
Let’s Chat

For Athletes